Amazingly, pieces of the 1964 New York World’s Fair are still around, and draw interest. Not only is the park there, with all its pieces (museum, marina) but pieces of the fair are scattered about the United States, still drawing attendance.
This is proof that the idea of the park still has legs. Aspects of the park still attracting visitors, other than the park itself:
- It’s a Small World lives at Walt Disney World and Disneyland.
- Carousel of Progress is at Walt Disney World’s Tomorrowland.
- The Sinclair Dinosaur Uncle Beazley is displayed at the National Zoo, lovingly restored by Smithsonian officials who recognized how much these dino-gas figures are loved. Sinclair gas and oil was a star attraction.
- Dinosaur Valley State Park preserves other Sinclair dinosaurs.
- The Uniroyal World’s Largest Tire lives in Michigan.
Read about the World’s Fair site HERE.