Man, if you are anywhere near Florida, pick up some Gilda Crackers. Gilda’s are dry, non-salty crackers about the circumference of a mini-bagel. They are actually Cuban crackers. We were alerted to these wonderful baked crackers by Leorah Solomon, a South African-born, British educated soap maker and entrepreneuse in Sarasota, Florida.
The crackers are made by Gilda Industries, Inc. of Hialeah, Florida. The company’s president Juan Blazquez notes on their website that they are a “family run business creating wholesome and healthy baked goods since our establishment more than thirty-seven years ago.”
Amen to that!
The company started in 1967 by making scooped crackers, and they have been so popular that they lead the market in Cuban crackers. They also make cookies, breads, toasts, cracker meal, breadsticks and ladyfingers. We’ll be looking for those, thank you! We plan on making Gilda’s Export Soda Crackers the Christmas gift of choice in 2008.
We urge BrandlandUSA readers to go find Gilda. If you go onto their website, you can hear a zippy little tune about how Gilda’s bakes in a “lot of taste naturally.”
The music, which is on their website in a little video that shows cracker production, has the great tempo of a 1970s sitcom theme song. The singer is unknown to us, but it is definitely in the B.J. Thomas genre. The song goes thus:
“We bake it light, no salt, just right! Gilda crackers, get the taste naturally.
Trying to purchase cases of Maria chocolate cookies. Please contact me