Vanhala: Small is the New Big

NEW YORK – We happened upon Manhattan music industry exec Jon Vanhala‘s new blog entitled Who Can Dance to That. It’s about music, technology, trends and whatever else he finds amusing. The “Who Can Dance” comes from his music days, when that was the ultimate question at one of his music gigs. If you are hired to make people dance, they need to dance.

Vanhala has a great take on the new way of doing things in his business, and in every business.

Chaos is opportunity.

In the old days (a second ago) in the music biz there generally was a few acknowledged, proven ways to get things done. The perceptions of marketing and distribution channels were relatively fixed, marketers knew about and could reasonably project results off existing programs at known distribution points. You could say thing like “we’ll spend 2 bucks/unit in co-op and get X units ordered and N% sell-thru” …

Today, in the world we live in now, there are multiple ways to get things done. The next big thing has been a million little things. Small has been the new BIG. Chaos is Opportunity. Scary but exciting, the world today is about flexibility, creativity, authenticity, and distinction.


  • Garland Pollard

    J. Garland Pollard IV is editor/publisher of BrandlandUSA. Since 2006, the website has chronicled the history and business of America’s great brands.

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