So this morning the Twitter site was flooded with folk saying that the Google search had been hijacked. Then, in about 10 minutes or so, the site was back up again. A few of the posts from twitter, from around 10:15 to 10:30 JesseNewhart HAS GOOGLE SEARCH BEEN HACKED!!!??? HERE

Yes, we found him at Dollar General, and we are sure he is a few more places. Read about it, and other former Ascendia Brands, at our main website, BrandlandUSA.comMORE HERE

This is some great marmalade. Tart and sweet. Visit is the website of business and travel writer and editor Garland Pollard.MORE HERE

New Poll Says That More Watch For Ads Super Bowl advertising is a big draw for viewers, with over 54 percent of U.S. adults who expect to watch Super Bowl XLIII planning to tune in as much or more for the commercials as for the game, according to a pollMORE HERE

Brandweek is reporting that Frito-Lay, the snack division of PepsiCo, has purchased its first 30-second spot for Cheetos during NBC’s telecast of the game, and the brand’s animated mascot is the star. Chester the Cheetah is finally getting his big break in the Super Bowl. Frito-Lay is hoping the commercial,MORE HERE

Above, some Cascara pills from A.H. Robins, one of the predecessor companies to Pfizer. Read about the history of Robins in our story on Branding tips from E. Claiborne Robins. We also criticized Pfizer a few months ago, from moving the company from innocent Hai Karate cologne commercials in theMORE HERE

The Apple Brand is Larger than Steven Jobs CUPERTINO – So wait, it’s the 25th anniversary of the Macintosh, and the Securities and Exchange Commission is looking into Apple’s (NASDAQ: AAPL) disclosure of Steven Jobs’ illness? Is this the same brilliant S.E.C. that refused to regulate hedge funds, and couldMORE HERE

We just thought this was an amusing brand; we’d love a Silver & Co. airtight case, though we don’t know what we’d use it for. is the website of business and travel writer and editor Garland Pollard.MORE HERE