Eagle Survives With ABInbev Logo


  1. The logo is a subtle way for InBev to say “we’re getting rid of the eagle”. You can bet that the next incarnation of the logo won’t even have an eagle in it.

    There was a reason Anheuser-Busch was the best beer company in the U.S. It’s because they knew what they were doing and what Americans liked. Now the new company is throwing the baby out with the bath water (along with the eagle). You won’t find one U.S. blog in the world that praises the purchase of Anheuser-Busch by InBev, but you sure will hear a lot of complainers.

    InBev has no idea how Anheuser-Busch operates. You can tell by the video at the combined A-B InBev site at http://www.ab-inbev.com/ that the gloating CEO, Carlos Brito, only cares about his company being big, just like Worldcom, Enron, Parmalat, and AIG that went before.

    Carlos Brito is a one trick pony that’ll will keep doing stupid things because he’s too one track minded. Kind of like the like the outgoing U.S. president.

  2. It’s not too bad. And AB certainly wasnt above laying people off. So at least the eagle and “AB” remain.

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