A few bits of stuff we’ve seen in recent days:
- Tang: What’s the deal with “New” Tang. Granted, we haven’t purchased Tang in years, nor have we actually seen Tang sold. We would submit to our friends at Kraft that if you don’t advertise it, you can’t sell it. And where the heck are the ads with the moon creatures? They haven’t been up for years, but if you want to sell it, you might just think about bringing them back. Of course, if we can’t as Americans be bothered by going into space anymore, what fun is Tang anyway? I don’t think its been right since General Foods days. By the way, Tang went great with Freakies. Tang is a great brand, mind you, it just needs to be get back to its true identity, as a fantasy afternoon elixir for latchkey children everywhere.
- O’Boisie’s: Our reader Brian Stevens tells us that Inventure Group of Arizona has brought back O’Boisie’s Potato Crisps. On the packages it says “Back by popular demand.” Sorry it took so long to post the news bit, Brian! (He sent us the news item back in September.)
- Jeep: A friend tells us of the new Jeep brand concrete floor paint, seen below. Yes, it comes in colors that are traditionally “Jeep” though we thought Army green or gray, or perhaps USPS blue would be sufficient. We know that Chrysler is a bit desperate for some licensing revenue but this is a stretch. Anything for a nickel.
- Folks in Carson City, Nevada are re
viving the Virginia and Truckee Railroad. The V&T Railway, the richest short-line in American history, originally operated during the raucous silver strike era of the infamous Comstock Lode from 1869 to 1938. When completed in 2011, the reconstructed track will trace all 16.7 miles of the 19th century route between Carson City and Virginia City and is expected to serve as a major tourism attraction to the area. The Carson City Convention & Visitors Bureau and Carson City have pledged $21 million and Storey County has contributed $2 million to the $54.9 million project.
- Pierre Cardin is licensing its brand for a laptop, says Engadget, calling it the most unlikely licensing of the year. Hmmm. Perhaps its a bit better than Pierre Cardin’s men’s cologne with the phallic bottles, but that’s a real stretch.