By reader request, we have added two new brands to our “100 Brands to Bring Back” List.
They are:
82. Hai Karate. Our reader, Gabriel Arregui, says for someone to “please bring back Hai Karate!” He has paid a small fortune on Ebay trying to get each of the scents (Oriental Lime, Spice, Musk and original), and loved those famous ads. Hai Karate gets tons of attention on Bill Bennett’s “Morning in America” radio show. They keep a bottle at the Bulova Studios. Hai Karate was once part of Pfizer’s Leeming/Paquin division.
83. Kellogg’s Concentrate. A concentrated cereal that was meant to be put on top of other cereals, but folks liked to eat it by themselves. And while they are at it, what happened to the Kel-Bowl Pack. And while they are at it, they need to reopen the Battle Creek Sanitarium for paying guests.
Grrrrreat stuff…need more…
I yearn to reek of the inhalative delights of Hai Karate.