- After a messy shutdown, the Fortunoff family as re-purchased the name and intellectual property of the Fortunoff jewelry chain. It’s in Newsday. Would that other families did the same thing after their family names were dragged through the mud by inexperienced private capital.
- The Tai Chi basketball shoe is back. The original was only 10 years ago, but there is still interest in the shoe, owing to its street credibility. The new Mid is $70, cheaper than the original.
- Sales are tanking for Gatorade, according to a Wall Street Journal article. We could have predicted. Read our post “Can’t Stand the new Gatorade G”
- Oh, and something we hadn’t noticed but wanted to make note of. Last fall, ConAgra brought back the talking margarine tub in Parkay margarine ads.
- Brandchannel.com has published a DDB White Paper on old brands. Read it. It says good things. The paper is called “Everything Old is New Again: Staging Successful Retro Revivals” and it is written by Allison Cenna. Thanks to folks at CoreBrand for the heads up.