Mrs. Fearnow’s Brunswick Stew for the Chilly Season

MECHANICSVILLE – While it is no longer made on Hope Farm in Mechanicsville, Virginia, Mrs. Fearnow’s Brunswick Stew brand is still on the market. A great Virginia recipe, it has the proper ingredients for such a stew.

In fact, the only Brunswick Stew that beats it was the Rt. Rev. Joe Pinder’s Brunswick Stew that he made at All Saints Episcopal Church in Virginia Beach. And that was back in the 1970s.

Mrs. Fearnow’s was owned by Bost Distributing after being owned by Castleberry’s. It is now part of Boone Brands of Sanford, N.C.


  • Garland Pollard

    J. Garland Pollard IV is editor/publisher of BrandlandUSA. Since 2006, the website has chronicled the history and business of America’s great brands.

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  1. It seems Boost made some changes to the product aside from exterior looks. The stew is no where near as thick as the original and it seems light on the spices originally used but it’s still ok. My suggestion to boost is quit trying to save a little money and go back to the FULL original recipe.
    I understand the mind of manufacturing and how what seems a small change can save huge, but know this is no longer the original and sadly it could be.

  2. For any and everyone who have left comments here regarding Brunswick Stew; If you are interested in sampling a brand new start-up brand of Brunswick Stew, please contact me via e-mail at The new brand is just getting off the ground and they are looking for some Brunswick Stew connoisseurs to sample and complete a short survey. This new brand is being prepared by a life-long Stewmaster and Brunswick County, Virginia resident, using a recipie thats been in his family for many generations. It is Award Winning Brunswick Stew !!!!
    Please contact them by e-mail, ASAP.

  3. Star Brunswick Stew is the best by far but a little too thick for my taste. Star mixed with Mrs. Fearnows makes the perfect combination. Everyone I have served it to concurs.

  4. P.O. Box 447
    Sanford, NC 27331
    If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact us immediately:

    Phone: (919) 775.5931

    FAX: (919) 774.1627



  5. I grew up right there next to Hope farm and it is not the same stew. It is sad to see it sold….It will not be able to be duplicated it is Hanover soil and Hanover tomatoes and vegetables which no one can replace sorry.

  6. I, too, grew up with this brand. We first noticed a change around 2007 or 2008. It was redder, more tomatoey, greasy, and far fewer vegetables. We found out that the business had been sold and the stew was no longer made by the Fearnow’s in Hanover Co. Such a huge disappointment. It’s been sold again, we’re told, to a co. in NC. Is it back to its original goodness? Might have to try it again, but I have my doubts. 8/15/2011. Richmond, VA.

  7. I have retired to Fla. from Va. and I grew up eating
    Mrs. Fearnow’s stew. I am so disappointed that I can’t find it here. Can anyone tell me if any stores here sell it. I know I can order it on amazon, but
    I don’t want the large 20oz. cans, which is all they

  8. I have loved this stew for 30+ years. While this is still the best canned brunswick stew on the market, there is a little noticible difference. The veggies dont seem as crisp as I remember as a kid.

  9. Hi, Garland! I grew up with this brand. We still eat it but it isn’t quite as good as it used to be. It seems like the vegetables used to be crispier.

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