Brands this U.S.A. Christmas

Nearly every consumer brand gets some play around Christmas, yet some brands are more distinctly associated with Christmas than others. Below, some posts from BrandlandUSA directly relating to Christmas, which is both a religious holiday and a secular consumer tradition.

Below, some of the stories in no particular order.

  1. Christmas List of Surviving Downtown Department Stores: Our roundup of top downtown department stores keeps a running list of the places in the U.S. where people can visit a true downtown department store. Please help us keep this up to date.
  2. History of GE Christmas lights. While no longer made by GE and no longer made in the U.S., the inventor of classics like Merry Brites played an important role in our Christmas tradition.
  3. Ann Page Fruitcake: People want this brand from A&P, and have loved these cakes for generations.
  4. Top Christmas Brands: Connecting your brand to Christmas with Christmas trinkets and promos. Have a Lexus, please, or a Remington Shaver.
  5. Coca-Cola: Merry Christmas from Coke, in that famous Hillside Singers commercial. Wonderful Lorri Hafer singing!
  6. Regional candy, including Barton’s Candy and Chocolate and Sevigny’s Christmas Ribbon Candy.
  7. Shiny Brite Ornaments History. The brand disappeared, but is now back.
  8. Heat Miser Returns on ABC Family. Oh so scary from Rankin-Bass. Glenn Beck even said he freaked him out as a kid.
  9. Life Savers Sweet Storybook, one of the classics that appear only at Christmas.
  10. Rebirth of the FAO Schwarz catalog.
  11. CBS, Bring back the Lou Dorfsman Special Intro. A CBS holiday special just isn’t the same without this classic intro.
  12. Folger’s: Each year, we get thousands of hits looking for the original Peter in the Folger’s Coffee commercial from the mid-1980s starring Greg Wrangler. See True story of the Folgers “Peter is Home” Commercial


  • Garland Pollard

    J. Garland Pollard IV is editor/publisher of BrandlandUSA. Since 2006, the website has chronicled the history and business of America’s great brands.

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