KANSAS CITY – Bon Ami, one of America’s most beloved cleansers, has updated its packaging, for perhaps the third time in a decade or so. This time, their trademark yellow color, present for the last century, has mostly disappeared. The red remains, in a different usage. Most importantly, the chick, which has been for most of its history fairly nondescript, gets some definition and detail. Another nice touch; the horizontal ascending aspect of the type, which has been a part of the brand since its early days, is preserved. These sorts of details are not always paid attention to.
The redesign is appearing nationally, in stores like Target. The company also has a fresh new logo, complete with green leaf, and snazzy website, with practical tips on things like how to clean a bathtub.
Bon Ami is a product of Faultless Brands of Kansas City, Missouri, and dates from 1986, though there is also a usage date in the trademark files of July 5, 1892. The Bon Ami Company of New York won a trademark for the brand in 1912, the brand having previously been trademarked by the J.T. Robertson Soap Co. The brand has been regularly renewed, including in 2012. The brand was a key product of the legendary McCann Erickson agency, which took on the brand as a client in 1904 and made it a household name across the U.S.
The product pictured at top is their cleaning powder. In this redesign, there is also an original “1886” version in red packaging, which is the original feldspar and wax.
Faultless makes a number of classic brands including Niagara and Faultless Spray Starch, Magic Sizing and Kleen King cleaner.
Below, some images of the packaging of Bon Ami over the years. It has been both a cake, and a powder.
I am wondering if my friend the late Howard Gilligan painted the chick on the current label. I remember he was in correspondence with you about the chick.