The news on RadioShack Corp. is not good. Sales are down in the current quarter by 15 percent, and the Fort Worth, Texas retailer has closed hundreds of stores. Wall Street has all sorts of answers for why this Corner Electronic Geekfest Gathering Spot is failing, and they wonder whyMORE HERE

What do Cheryl Lynn, Bruce Springsteen, Barbra Streisand, Ralph Stanley and Tony Bennett have in common? It’s Columbia Records, one of the greatest brand names in record history. Columbia, like all the record brands, is having a very long-playing spin these days, and it isn’t happy. Each record brand hasMORE HERE

Morton’s (though the packaging said Morton) was encyclopedic in its frozen grocery offerings, and each package, at least in the 70s, was stylish. (Pictured above is an old Look magazine ad from 1969, before a 70s super-graphic redesign.) There were Morton Pot Pies, Morton Creme Pies, Morton Cinnamon Rolls. Morton Honey Buns came four to a package, and there was so much sugar on each that when you pulled the buns out, the sugar frosting was all over the package and the four came out like a brick. MORE HERE

Below is a list of the best American brands that are no more. These are but a few, but we know there are hundreds more regional and niche brands that are no more but still have a name or following. Do you have a suggestion? If so, add one atMORE HERE

Some stores can be brand archeology exhibits. While market researchers admire Vermont Country Store, of course, another is Walgreen’s, if only because it is usually next door, and has prescriptions and film. The store itself is proof that providing odd, seemingly outmoded products for strange, unfashionable consumers is quite aMORE HERE

Are Howard Johnson’s subliminally seductive clam strips returning to a hotel coffee shop near you? Could it be that HoJo has momentum?We talked to the editors of, the website that tracks all things related to Howard Johnson under the banner “Serving up Warm History of an American Icon.” ItMORE HERE

While Woolworth is still alive in Mexico, Bahrain, Oman, South Africa, the U.K. and Germany, Americans have had to go to eBay to get anything related to Woolworth’s. And that’s not only a pity, it’s a lost opportunity for struggling Foot Locker, the company that killed the brand off inMORE HERE

If ever there was a reason to stick with a strange logo no matter what, take a look at this Nabisco logo, pictured above. It is from the side of a warehouse in Pensacola, Florida. It works. It describes the Six Rules of Company Brands. The company brand is anMORE HERE

The great game shows are also notable brands. The show in the news now is The Price Is Right. So universally loved, CBS even sells licensed product merchandise to go along with it. What made the show great wasn’t just the host, Bob Barker, nor how it grew from aMORE HERE

O.K., so the Ford 500 wasn’t the big hit that Ford Motor Company wanted. Ford Chairman William Clay Ford‘s wish to have a sedan that would look respectable driving up to a country club failed. Was it the name? Or was it that the car design or engineering wasn’t thatMORE HERE