Wall Street may be all atwitter at the merger of Payless Shoe Source and Stride Rite. And after all, the company now owns some great American brand names. Classic and priceless brand names like Keds, Pro-Keds, Sperry Top-Sider and Saucony. Actually, they are not EXACTLY priceless, as Payless, led byMORE HERE

Kmart hasn’t given up on Blue Light yet. The height of 70s tacko became a dot-com story with Bluelight.com. Kmart seems to be terribly sensible about what to do about the legacy of Blue Light Specials. No longer does a harried store manager need to run around with display signsMORE HERE

In April of 2006, Bank of America announced that it would consider dumping Visa in favor of its own credit card network named BankAmericard. The announcement isn’t all to the story. Because actually, Bank of Americard sort of brought the cards back in the summer of 2005, albeit as a co-branded Visa. The offering read: “In 1958, before there was Visa, Bank of America introduced the first credit card to the world–the BankAmericard.” MORE HERE

In our modern age, one of the biggest legacies we will leave is our products and services — the thousands of consumer items and corporate names that run through our lives: the Ukrop’ses and Capital Ones, the Reynolds Wraps and ChapSticks. Those names have evolved through the years. Indeed, theMORE HERE