PALMYRA, Penn. – If you like Lebanon bologna, there is only one brand, Seltzer’s. Made and smoked by hand in Palmyra Pennsylvania, Selzter’s was founded by Harvey Seltzer, who “created a unique blend of pure beef and spices in 1902, his bologna was so popular that he began commercial production andMORE HERE

SIOUX CITY – There are lots of brands of popcorn, and many consider it a commodity, particularly bagged variety sold under store brands. But there are great brands of popcorn including: Orville Redenbacher, founded in 1971 Jiffy Pop, founded in 1959 and now made by ConAgra Pop Weaver, founded inMORE HERE

LYNN, MASSACHUSETTS – In the pantheon of grocery products, there are certain ones that are not essential, yet are essential. In the UK, it’s Marmite and Bovril. And across the United States, we have all sorts of regional variations. One regional New England product is Marshmallow Fluff, made by Durkee-MowerMORE HERE