DALLAS – Southwest Airlines has painted a Boeing 737-800 with 50 stars and 13 stripes, in celebration of the airline’s 50th anniversary. “The word ‘freedom’ has significant meaning to the People and history of Southwest Airlines,” said Gary Kelly, Southwest Airlines’ Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, inMORE HERE

BLOSSOM, TEXAS – We hear from fans of the Peanut Rounder. It’s “soft and delicious” soft textured peanut candy made by Anderson Candy Company. Blossom is in Lamar County, in the northern part of the state. The company apparently has its roots in the 1940s, when a fellow named DanMORE HERE

SAN ANGELO, TEXAS – They were, and are, icons of America. The windmill, specifically the Aermotor windmill. Pictured at right, an Aermotor windmill tail in a museum in Palmetto, Florida. The Aermotor was ubiquitous across the U.S., and helped build farms across rural areas. Few realize that they are stillMORE HERE

Way cool brand on the shelves at Albertson’s. It’s a 15 oz. can of ConAgra’s Ranch Style Brand Beans. The SKU has been on the shelves of American supermarkets since 1935. Here here for ConAgra, keeping an old friend on the shelves! The product is labeled Con Agra Foods Inc.,MORE HERE